Saturday, August 18, 2007

Congratulations Glenn & Collette!

A big congratulations to my brother Glenn and his wife Collette, for today they celebrate their wedding after 9 years of courtship =)

On another note, I almost couldn't make it to the wedding. Was battling a serious bout of gastric flu on Friday morning, with a raging fever in tow on Friday night. I thank God for His grace in allowing me a speedy recovery (only ~18 hrs of sickyness) so that I can attend Glenn's big day. =)

While we are on the topic of thanksgiving, I also thank God that:

1) I tend to get one big bout of gastric flu a year or so, so I prefer to get it before I fly off to the US
2) This gatric flu has significantly depressed my appetite, which has been growing with all the send-off/farewell lunch/dinners I've been having.

There's always a silver lining somewhere haha! =)

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