Sunday, August 26, 2007

I couldn't car-less

Good morning all, it's Sunday morning in Ann Arbor, and I'm awake at 6am. Felt terribly sleepy at 10pm the night before, so I turned in to rest. The warm days of summer are coming to a close I think... it's about 23 degrees in the morning now, a drop from 25-26 a few nights before.

I'm also completely car-less now, having returned the rental to Hertz. My TT of funds from my Citibank account was only effected on Friday, which means I'll probably see the cash on Wednesday only.

I'm quite sure that I'll need a vehicle to get around the place, even if it's only a bicycle. The nearest serious grocery place is about 2 bus-stops away, but the bus comes once every 20min on weekends, AND I'll have to change buses once to get back to the apartment. That's potentially 40min of waiting for buses to do groceries. Bye bye frozen foods!

I suppose the apartment is more or less up and running. The main things which I lack now are a big floor rug, a couple of floor cushions and a TV, but these are hardly the essentials of life. At least I have it reasonably good. My MOH friends are holed up in a hotel that's a 10min walk to the nearest bus stop. Mine's just on the road in front of the apartment.

My only source of major concern now is that I can't find the instant coffees (or least I wasnt looking very hard). Most folks here use the drip percolators to make coffee, so everything is in coffee grounds. That's really unlike Singapore, where most coffee is sold as instants. Food for thought huh? I'm glad I packed a small bottle of boncafe along, but it's running out! The humanity!

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